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- Events
- General
- [Academics] Notice of Application for Double Major in Teaching
- No.63
- 2022-07-12
- [Academics] Information on Application for Leave of Absence/Return/Re-Admission for the Second Semester of 2022
- No.62
- 2022-06-28
- [General] Expected Graduate in Summer 2022 Submission Guidance of [Non-Examination Application for Teaching Certificate]
- No.61
- 김소현
- 2022-06-23
- [General] 3품 Submission Period Extension for Expected Graduates in August, 2022 (Final)
- No.60
- 김소현
- 2022-06-23
- [Academics] The 4th BK21 Research Group of the Korean Philosophy Department of Confucianism and Oriental Studies - summer Wednesday luncheon lecture
- No.59
- 김소현
- 2022-06-23
- [Events] [Excampus Season4] Learning a Foreign Language in the AI Era – Prof. Hong Munpyo
- No.58
- 김소현
- 2022-06-23
- [Hiring/Recruitment] Recruitment of participants in the AI learning data construction project
- No.57
- 2022-05-20
- [General] 2022 Online fire safety education
- No.56
- 2022-05-19
- [Academics] Online education courses on sexual assault/harassment prevention, domestic abuse prevention and disability awareness
- No.55
- 2021-10-19
- [Events] Confucianism Training and Self-Realization Seminar
- No.54
- 2021-10-19
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
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